Top 10 visited Websites in New Zealand

Have you ever wondered which websites your fellow Kiwis are visiting most often?

Well, your times of uncertainty around this question shall be over. Amazons has the answer.

  1. No surprise here, Google leads the list. On average Kiwis spend about 6:53 minutes on during which time they visit an average of 9.41 sites. Move along, nothing else to see here.
  2. It seems Kiwis have plenty of spare time to watch some videos on the worlds largest video site. The average time spent is 8:37 minutes, which seems quite low to me. My personal daily youtube counter shows over 60 minutes. I am sure I am not alone with that.
  3. This one I did not anticipate. Users are automatically redirected to their national google website but it is possible to manually switch to It seems enough Kiwis do just that, which results in a 7:16 minutes average spent on the site.
  4. I had expected Facebook to be within the top five but I somehow though it was more used than Youtube. I learned something new. Still 10:36 minutes spent on average per Kiwi is not shabby at all.
  5. Another one I did not expect this high up in the ranking. I knew that Reddit has a massive and dedicated user base but I wasn’t aware how mainstream it was. For me Reddit had always a certain level of geekiness too it. 14:59 minutes is the average time Kiwis pent on it.
  6. We need a place to spend our hard earned dollars. Trademe comes to our rescue here. Sitting firm in sixth place is more than impressive. With 14:07 minutes spent per average it does get more than enough exposure.
  7. What would we do without Wikipedia? It contains the knowledge of the entire world in multiple languages including Maori. Have a look yourself. Help increase the average amount of minutes Kiwis spend on Wikipedia which is currently only at 4:13.
  8. News, and a lot of it. Stuff is the most popular news website in New Zealand. Kiwis spend an average of 5.37 minutes per day on Stuff. It would be interesting what the break down is of topic areas. Are we more curious about what is happening in our front yard or more fascinated by American politics?
  9. Microsofts search engine does seem to get some love as well. 4:06 minutes on average of a Kiwis daily time. Only a part of what google gets but nevertheless. Being honest, I haven’t used in the last few years (or ever?, I don’t really remember).
  10. Last but not least, good old We do love our news in New Zealand and Stuff doesn’t seem to manage to satisfy our needs all on its own. With 6:11 minutes, the average Kiwi spends more time on then on Stuff.

If you want to see the full list of websites and or more details, click here.


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